Saturday, July 26, 2008

Words of Thanks

Dearest Leaders and Prefects

Firstly I would like to show my appreciation to you for celebrating my birthday today. I am very touched by all your wonderful gestures. Do not spend unnecessary money the next time (if there is one :)) because what I like most is the two beautiful A3 Birthday cards with birthday greetings and word of thanks. In fact the only present I remember from last year was the little handmade book with all the birthday greeting from my prefects. :)

It has not been an easy journey personally for me this year. Mrs Goh (unfortunately she left to take up another post) and myself came out with the organizing structure and through your online votes the EXCOs. We believe then that with this, the EXCOs can lead the rest of the council in our mission to make the school better for all. We did start the year with a bang during the sec 1 orientation and we receive great review for our works. After that the leaders was allocated events to assist the teachers to plan like Chinese New Year, Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day etc.

Much was expected from the HLC even though it was only established in November last year. In May I did a review and at that time I feel that it failed to reach it’s potential. Being leaders you have many opportunities to influence through your CCA to help the school but have we been doing it? Have we model the way for people to follow? Have we enlist other to act in our shared vision of a better school for all? Call me old fashion but I was brought up the Scouting way in which one of the Scout Law is to be discipline and considerate. At times I fail to see that in some of you even my own Scout. As Leaders you are always in the limelight so please be more aware of yourself and your surrounding when you do things because you are also projecting an image of the Board/Council. Frankly I also felt the council is way too passive and is waiting for the school to instruct you to do things.

However there are light at the end of the tunnel and we must continue to strive and make it happen. You had done an excellent job in both the hosting events of the foreign students and had been wonderful ambassador for the school. If you talk about outcomes, I thought the Sec 1 orientation and your hosting of the foreign students are examples of success of the HLC. Let us build on this small success and continue this journey together. We still have 2 more hosting, the cheering competition, our Youth corner and the year end camp to look forward too.

A new organization structure will be out to us move us forward. I have gathered some suggestions from the sec 2s that went on the Student Leaders Exchange program which we can implement in out council/board.

Well enough of nagging from the old teacher. Lastly I would like to thank all of you again for today. Really appreciated because you have made me feel the journey ahead is worthwhile. My wish is that the Board and the Council can work hand in hand for the betterment of HS and all the best for your CA and Prelim.

-=”Seize the Day”=-
from the movie Dead Poets Society



we hoped you really enjoyed the mini party this afternoon and have a great day tmrw ! :D
thanks for guiding us throughout and we really appreciate your efforts. (: continue to lead and we will follow youuuuu, :D Shine shine shine! (:


Friday, July 18, 2008

hlc windbreakers for batch 2007

hi all i am derrick here .i need your feedbacks for the hlc windbreakers the colours i have 5 of them and it will be posted up shortly...

and is around 30 plus 40 xp it is basically a simple design which i will post up shortly

i hope tat u guys will vote for the one that u like as this will be your very own hlc windbreakers

and this windbreakers will come with a trackpants as shown at the pic and i really hope you all give me ur vote asap either to wayne and jodi (sec3) or yu chuan and nabila ( sec4).And basically if u guys wan just drop me an email on which design u like xp thks and reply to this asap :P drop me an email at or even the msn thks :p and also last but not least is for the existing HLC members only=p...the highest vote i will be using it as the HLC windbreaker so pls vote wisely thks

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hello, please pay Wayne for the cake (you know, the one on youth day).
It's 50 cents by the way.

Contact Wayne for more details!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

HLC Meeting (Wed 16 March)

Dear Leaders

Please note there will be a HLC meeting this coming Wednesday at the AVA rm 2:45pm. This meeting is ONLY for existing Sec 3 HLC members and the HLC Camp 1 participants. Sec 4 do concentrate on your studies. ;) (However if you are confident in your studies and doesn't have any afternoon lesson, you are most welcome to drop by)


1) Cheering Competition (8 August 08)

The leaders need to plan for the cheering competition which is coming up. This event is also use as a trial for the camp participants before I shortlist them.

2) Student Exchange Program

As you know this coming week we will have 20 students from our neighbourhood school having student exchange. One of their task is to know more about the leadership structure in our school. So before we discuss about the Cheering competition, YOU will explain to our guests how HS leadership structure works. It also serves as a Networking session for you to know other leaders from other school. The existing Sec 3 EXCO members will come out with the presentation. For further clarifications, look for me on Monday. :)


Loola 08

Dearest Leaders

The date and the venue for HLC Camp Part Deux has been confirmed.

Venue : Loola Resort (Bintan)
Date : 28 October to 1 November 08 (5D4N)
Cost : to be announce

There will be a signing up form post on the Student Leadership Notice Board on Monday. Those interested (including those that attended the HLC Camp 1) kindly signup there. This is for me to gauge your response before I ask for tender on this camp.

As usual the camp will be based on the Leadership Challenge Model (LCM) but this time round you will have to do some pre-planning/training conducted by the vendor before the camp on some of the activities. I'm looking forward to this camp and hopefully so are you.

Another thing is the twinning trip to Wuxi, China. Those students who hosted the HK students might want to consider as the we will be dropping by that school on the way to Wuxi. Let me know if you are interested on Monday too.


Thursday, July 3, 2008


Super thankyou to all student leaders and teachers espescially to - Mr Cheong, Mrs Lai, Mrs cheng, Mr Ng, Mr Fong, Mr Chia, Mr Said, Ms Roberts, Uncle Daniel, Uncle-Nasipadang(?) and all who have contributed in one way or another to make the visit for the hongkong students plus staffs a very pleasant & exciting one! (:

Really hope you guys have learnt something valuable from our hk friends and that all of you will apply it in your daily lives whenever possible. Let's look forward to more twinning programmes & welcome the other countries w a bright big smile ! GREAT JOB HOUGEANS ! :D WE ROCK TO THE MAAAX. C:

Cheers! :D

(Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart. God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into its nest.)